Påske i Den Gamle By

Enjoy Easter in Aarhus

Photo: Den Gamle By

When Easter is near, it is also a sign that spring is coming, and the most lovely months of the year are ahead of us. Easter is possibly the best season to slow down and take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

And a mini-getaway to Aarhus is just the way to do it.

Here, you will find lots of great experiences, activities, cosy moments, romantic locations and fun for the entire family. Dive into the past, enjoy being together in the present and explore the many exciting adventures, Aarhus has to offer.

Easter is celebrated in many parts of the world and is one of the most important holidays in Christianity. Several other holidays are associated with Easter, including Shrove Tuesday, Ascension Day and Pentecost.

Please note that stores are closed on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Monday and Easter Monday.

Find Easter experiences in the Aarhus Region

We celebrate these traditions today too. Take a look at the many attractions and you will realise that there is a wealth of wonderful experiences that you have never seen before - whether you are in Aarhus, Silkeborg, Randers, Viborg or Djursland.


Easter at The Old Town Museum

Easter in Den Gamle By - the Old Town Museum is always a special and wonderful springtime experience. Here you can follow the Easter egg back in time through the different neighbourhoods of the Old To...


Djurs Sommerland - the largest amusement park in the Nordic region

In Djurs Summerland, it's just more fun for everyone. Look forward to experiencing 60 attractions, Denmark's best roller coasters, a huge water park - all spread across 9 adventurous theme areas with ...

The Artists Easter Exhibition
Photo: Jens Møller

The Artists Easter Exhibition

The artists adjudicated Easter exhibitions at Kunsthal Aarhus Building draws vast crowds. Few artists manage to get through the eye of the needle, and often the works chosen create intense debate abou...

The Frigate Jylland
Photo: Per Bille

The Frigate Jylland

With 102 metres from bowsprit to stern, 44 cannons and 57 metres to the top of the masthead, Fregatten Jylland (the Frigate Jutland) is an experience with both room and entertainment for the whole fam...


Skandinavisk Dyrepark - Scandinavian Wildlife Park

Scandinavian Wildlife Park is Denmark’s most natural animal park. Get close to Nordic animals in large, scenic enclosures – naturally.

Green ExperienceMønsted Limestone Mines
Photo: Mads Gregersen

Mønsted Limestone Mines

Mønsted Limestone Mines - the world's largest limestone mine near Viborg in Denmark - offers a unique world of experiences. Learn about geology, observe bats, and witness impressive handcrafted work. ...

Green ExperienceARoS Aarhus Art Museum
Photo: ARoS

ARoS Aarhus Art Museum

ARoS is an international art museum in the centre of Aarhus, second city in Denmark. With five galleries and an entire floor dedicated to installation art, ARoS offers an important free space where it...

Green ExperienceMoesgaard Museum
Photo: Photo/Media Department - Moesgaard Museum

Moesgaard Museum

The past is brought to fascinating life at the Moesgaard Museum in Aarhus. The exhibits are based on the latest research and technology and aim at giving you an insight into prehistory and anthropolog...

Randers Regnskov - Tropical Zoo
Photo: Randers Regnskov

Randers Regnskov - Tropical Zoo

In Randers Regnskov, you are in for a true tropic treat, complete with free-ranging monkeys, iguanas, sloths, jaguars, and a long list of other exotic animals. The rainforest is a bombardment of the s...

Green ExperienceAQUA Aquarium & Wildlife Zoo
Photo: VisitAarhus

AQUA Aquarium & Wildlife Zoo

AQUA Aquarium & Wildlife Park is a family-friendly discovery centre featuring northern Europe’s largest freshwater aquarium and a nature park with wild animals native to Denmark.

The Kattegatcentre on Djursland
Photo: Kattegatcentret

The Kattegatcentre on Djursland

Are you ready for a sea of experiences? Let yourself be surrounded by sharks, watch the seals romp around in their natural environment, paddle in a kayak on the deepest polar ocean and learn more abou...

Tropical Houses at the Botanical Garden
Photo: The Science Museum

Tropical Houses at the Botanical Garden

The Tropical Houses (in Danish "Væksthusene") in the Botanical Garden in Aarhus are a place where numerous plant collections are presented and preserved in four different climate zones.

Green ExperienceMuseum Jorn
Photo: Museum Jorn

Museum Jorn

Museum Jorn is beautifully located in Silkeborg directly down to the Gudenåen river. The museum was founded by Asger Jorn (1914-1973), one of the CoBrA artists and one of the most important Danish art...


Aarhus Øje - Attraction at Aarhus Lighthouse

Take the journey to the top of Aarhus Øje (Aarhus Eye), where you can experience one of Denmark's most breathtaking views. The destination is located in Denmark's tallest building, Lighthouse. You can...

Museum Østjylland Randers
Photo: Museum Østjylland

Museum Østjylland Randers

Museum Østjylland can be found on several locations around the region. At Museum Østjylland Randers, you get to go on an exciting cultural-history journey from the antiquity up until present day. The ...

Museum Østjylland Grenaa
Photo: Museum Østjylland

Museum Østjylland Grenaa

Museum Østjylland welcomes you to exciting exhibitions and historical activities for children and adults year-round.

Green ExperienceKØN - Gender Museum Denmark
Photo: KØN – Gender Museum Denmark

KØN - Gender Museum Denmark

The Women Museum has changed it name to KØN - Gender Museum Denmark and emphasizes the cultural history between genders and discusses the gender policies, equality, body and sexuality.

Skovgaard Museum
Photo: Skovgaard Museet

Skovgaard Museum

The Skovgaard Museum is the art museum in Viborg. It houses works by the Skovgaard family of artists as well as changing art exhibitions.

Natural History Museum
Photo: Naturhistorisk Museum

Natural History Museum

At Naturhistorisk Museum, the Natural History Museum in Aarhus you can experience the abundance of life inhabiting the earth. Experience the museum's four permanent exhibitions and changing special ex...

Forskningens Døgn
Photo: Forskningens Døgn

Forskningens Døgn

Forskningens Døgn er en landsdækkende forskningsfestival, der siden 2005 er blevet afholdt årligt. På festivalen kan du opleve forskning på en ny og sjov måde og samtidig blive meget klogere på, hvilk...


The story behind the Easter egg

One of the most important traditions is the Easter egg, which not only symbolises the resurrection of Jesus, but also became a symbol in the period around 1600, when Easter often coincided with Lent. Here, the many eggs that the hens began to lay in spring were collected to be enjoyed at Easter.

Do you know why Easter moves every year? Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox, a time when day and night are in balance, and this rule beautifully connects Easter to both tradition and astronomy.

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