Halloween i Djurs Sommerland

Halloween fun for the Whole Family

Photo: Djurs Sommerland

Anticipate a thrilling and enjoyable Halloween experience as pumpkins, skeletons, witches, and spiders take center stage. During Halloween, numerous attractions across the Aarhus Region welcome you to a captivating world where everything is delightfully transformed

Thrills, chills, and magical Halloween

Djurs Sommerland once again opens its doors to Magical Halloween with 25,000 pumpkins, witches, rattling skeletons, and haunted houses. At Tivoli Friheden, you'll encounter a spooky world with ghosts and plenty of creepy spiders, while at Mønsted Limestone Caves, you can get up close and experience the many living bats that reside there.

Get inspired for wonderful Halloween experiences in the Aarhus Region below.

Magical Halloween in Djurs Sommerland
Photo: Djurs Sommerland

Magical Halloween in Djurs Sommerland

Come to Djurs Sommerland in the fall holidays and experience a huge Halloween event for the whole family. An extraordinary (un)cozy and atmospheric experience is planned when Denmark's largest roller ...

Halloween at Tivoli Friheden
Photo: Tivoli Friheden

Halloween at Tivoli Friheden

Look forward to a week of lots of Halloween excitement and fun in Aarhus when the amusement park Tivoli Friheden is invaded by terrifying creatures and giant spiders. If you already feel a shiver runn...

All Saints Day in Den Gamle By
Photo: Den Gamle By

All Saints Day in Den Gamle By

Experience All Saints' Day in Den Gamle By - The Old Town Museum, where you can learn about superstition, dragon puppets, mysterious ghosts, poisonous plants, and much more from, among others, the pri...

All Saints Eve at Gammel Estrup
Photo: Gammel Estrup

All Saints Eve at Gammel Estrup

Look forward to an evening filled with magic and spookiness as the Carsle Gammel Estrup invites you to All Hallows' Eve. Listen to ghost stories and experience the manor illuminated only by candleligh...


And much more ...

Enjoy Autumn in the Aarhus Region - get inspired here.

Photo: Roar Paaske

Why do we celebrate Halloween?

In Denmark, for many centuries, we have celebrated All Saints' Day, where we honor and remember the deceased saints, among other things, with candles on the first Sunday of November.

Halloween, on the other hand, is a relatively new tradition in Denmark and is actually the celebration of the Celtic New Year and a marker that summer and the harvest were over. They called it Samhain, and the Celts believed that the dead rose from their graves to haunt the living and find their way to the afterlife.

Have fun - in the Aarhus Region

Ballehage strand ved Aarhus set fra luften
Enjoy Autumn in the Aarhus Region

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