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Almindsø - A paradise for water lovers in the Lake District

Lake Almindsø near Silkeborg is one of Denmark’s cleanest lakes. There is no agriculture nearby or polluting drainage into the lake and it is a popular bathing lake with two large pools, Østre and Vestre (east and west), and several smaller bathing spots. 

Almindsø is a very popular place to visit. The lake is surrounded by cozy forests and is also located close to the city of Silkeborg. Almindsø is characterized by its exciting flora and fauna, including 20 species of underwater plants and 450 species of aquatic animals.

On the south side of the lake, there are high cliffs with ochre-containing springs as well as the two tributaries Skade Bæk and Odder Bæk. However, most of the water supply comes from the connection to the groundwater in the bottom of the lake.

Fantastic lake baths in the middle of the forest

In addition to the Østre Søbad and Vestre Søbad, there are also several smaller bathing spots in Almindsø where you can jump into the water - for example, at the beach at Aggerholm, which was built by German soldiers stationed at the nearby German military headquarters in Silkeborg Bad during World War II.

Here, there is also the opportunity to buy access to a sauna, use changing rooms and toilet facilities, and jump into the water from the large, round bathing bridges. These are the latest additions to Almindsø, which make the lake even more worth seeing than it already was.

With a maximum depth of 20 meters, Almindsø is one of the deepest lakes in the Gudenå system, and there are approximately 4 kilometers around the lake, which invite you to a very beautiful walk, including the viewpoint Kroghs Bænk.

See the current water temperature here.

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