Von Hattenstræde
The name Von Hattenstræde originates from the customs officer Henrik von Hatten, who came to Randers from the town of Hatten in Germany in 1678. He had a son named Hermann, who later became a merchant and a distiller and after whom the street was named. Von Hattenstræde first appears in a census from 1801.
For many years, the northern part of the street was named Krankhusstræde (Hospital Lane) after the military hospital that was located at No. 9 in the 1700-1800s. It was not until around 1860 that the entire street was renamed Von Hattenstræde.
Von Hattenstræde 1
The property at Von Hattenstræde 1 and Vestergade 4-6 dates back to 1761 when it was built as a one-story building. Later, it was expanded to two stories and in the 1850s, the additions along Von Hattenstræde were added. The building, which is classified as worth preserving, used to house a printing press. The "Foundation for the Preservation of Old Buildings in Randers" was responsible for the renovation, which received honorable mention from Randers Municipality.
Von Hattenstræde 7 - Café von Hatten
The property at Von Hattenstræde 7 with Café von Hatten is a protected building and a unique venue run by young people on a voluntary basis.