Studenterhus Aarhus
Studenterhus Aarhus is for students on all higher educations in Aarhus, but everybody are welcome! At the student house you can find concerts, lectures, business-student networking, huge parties and stand up shows. All events are made to match a student budget.
Visit Studenterhus Aarhus
Studenterhus Aarhus are placed at Aarhus University. There is a café with access to outdoor service and bar in the basement with a long tradition for students to hang out outside of their studying. In the bar you can find beer from all corners of the world. The Café and the Bar are open during the day and also all night. At Studenterhus Aarhus you can also find a venue for live music called Stakladen. Stakladen is the place for both new and up coming Danish bands and more famous and well known bands. But it is also the place for lots of student parties and cultural events.