St. Clemens' church
Sct. Clemens church
The name probably derives from a church in Randers which was dedicated to the patron saint of the mariners, St. Clemens. The church is designed by the architects Inger and Johannes Exner and is from 1963. But the parish and church go much further back in history as the foundation stones show. The first foundation stone in the church's crypt is a granite ashlar stemming from Randers' oldest church, the first St. Clemens' church, which was demolished in 1540. The second foundation stone is a mediaeval large brick from St. Morten's church and the third foundation stone from St. Peder's church, the two parishes from which St. Clemens' church was separated.
The siting of the church
The siting of the church on a hillside facing south with a view of Gudenådalen (the Valley of the Gudenå River) has been used rather unusually as the church's choir with the large windows faces south. From the church's entrance facing north the buildings are not much to look at but seen from the south the bulding's three storeys jut out in the Vestpark as a stem. The interior of the church is pentagonal so that the choir section with the 17 piers and the windows from floor to ceiling end in an apex. The building material both outside and inside is yellow bricks, and the woodwork is pine tree.