Skolestræde in Randers
The narrow School Alley with its cozy courtyard environments dates back to the Middle Ages and has previously been called, among other things, Holy Spirit Alley, School Street, and Latin School Alley. The narrow alley runs southeast of the Holy Ghost House, where a school was located at one point.
The narrow School Alley with its cozy courtyard environments dates back to the Middle Ages and has previously been called, among other things, Holy Spirit Alley, School Street, and Latin School Alley. The narrow alley runs southeast of the Holy Ghost House, where a school was located at one point.
The Holy Ghost House, which is one of the oldest buildings in Randers, was built in 1434 and is the last remnant of the Holy Ghost Monastery that was located there. A Holy Ghost house was a nursing home for the elderly and sick in the Middle Ages, and the means for its construction came from the sale of indulgences - for a suitable amount for the building, one got 40 days less in purgatory.