Café Sappho
Café Sappho, also known as Ernas Taverna, is a social LGBTQ meeting place, preferably for women, where you can experience a casual, informal, living-room-like atmosphere in a safe and non-smoking environment.
Sappho is an alternative to the established café environment. Here you can come as you are. Although the café is primarily a place for women, the male audience is also very welcome.
LGBTQ meeting place in Aarhus
Sapphos is also used by several local LGBTQ associations for meetings, gatherings, etc. You can read more about the groups on the Sappho’s website and see if there are any relevant to you. The groups include LGBT Aarhus Advisory, LGBT Youth, T-Group, Tribal Network, Danish D-Lite and Aarhus Pride.
Info and opening hours
The cafe is open on Fridays at 19: 00 - 23: 00 and the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month at 19: 00-23: 00th. Be aware that you must be a member to join. It costs 50 kroner a year.
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